Friday, March 23, 2012

Behavioural impact on my envirinment over one day

I liked (course convener) Peter's idea to record our activities for a day and to consider the impact our behaviour has on the world around us to reflect on how sustainably we live our day to day lives at present. I will do this. Could be an interesting exercise.
I diarised my activities for a day and at the end of the day looked at the many decisions made over the day and considered whether they were were sustainable or not.
I noted that sometimes convenience won out over sustainable practice, depending on what resource was most valuable to me (time, money, work-life balance) at any given time. I guess was really counts is the predominant behaviour and how closely that aligns itself to goals of sustainability at a personal level.


  1. Hi Jean
    Great start to your blog. Let's know how that day of awareness goes.

    1. It is several days later and I have still not made the time to consider my behaviour (over one day) in terms it being sustainable or not. I suspect that I like many others have contributed to the worsening state of the planet today by not giving priority to scrutinising my own behaviour and taking responsibility for at least that. In our busy lives the tendency is to put such things off till we have more time. Civilisation as we know it can't wait. Apathy will be our downfall. It is time to be accountable.
